What are you grateful for?

Martin Waldman
My wonderful family, including daughters-in-law

What have been your favorite TV shows or movies?

Martin Waldman
West Wing,
Seinfeld, Edward R. Murrow specials

How would you like people to remember you?

Martin Waldman
As a good husband, dad, grandpa and citizen

Write one sentence about each decade of your life

Martin Waldman
Decade 1 (1 to 10 years): As a child, remember a New Deal parade in Long Beach, then on to Brooklyn for elementary schools where went from shyness to public speaking.

Decade 2 (11 to 20 years): Elementary school, on to high school for dramatic club and wartime scrap collection champ, into the Navy as World War 2 ended, and started college.

Decade 3 (21 to 30 years): Graduated NYU as president of radio club, , met Sandy ( my wife to be) at political party, wrote Tv for Mayor, worked asWNYC announcer and director, hired at Y & R ad agency.

Decade 4 (31 to 40 years): Worked at ad agency, married Sandy, with her became parents of two great boys, moved to Great Neck suburb, left ad agency to start PR firm with Sandy in New York.

Decade 5(41 to 50 years): Business now in Great Neck, did political campaigns and more, kids in schools, both went off to Columbia, wife left pr firm to go to Pop Council job.

Decade 6(51 to 60 years) : Son Michael married Liz and worked at White House, son Steven married Amy, worked as journalist and founded Beliefnet as I continued with pr firm including representing tv writers.

Decade 7 (61 to 70 years): Continued working with own pr firm as wife continued at Pop Council, gradchildren born, and I retired from pr firm.

Decade 8 ( 71 to 80 years) Both wife and I now retired, sons working in prestigious jobs and enterprises and writing books, grandchildren in high schools,.

Decade 9 (80 to ?) Both wife and I retired with canes, grandchildren off to colleges and army, sons and wives doing amazing things.

Which people had the most impact on you?

What are some of your favorite photos of yourself?

Whoa. I can't believe I used to look like that! (Post photo, please)

Post a photo from each decade of your life

Where have you lived? What do you remember most about each place?

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